Niba DelCastillo Answers the YabYum 7

1. Who are you and what do you do?  

My name is Anibal DelCastillo, Niba for short. I’m a photographer in Phoenix mostly shooting the street-art, graffiti and mural scene.

2. How did you get your start?  

I guess I started when living in Tucson. I would go out [and] find areas to stage toys for photo shoots. Started to enjoy the backdrops of the local street writers, then spent the time exploring the areas that had the large concentrations of graffiti and it grew from there.

3. What inspires you?    

The artist that I shoot, the way they manipulate the flow of paint from the cans, the structures the art is on. My kids especially when they say I love that photo dad!!!!!

4. What do you like about AZ?  

The skies, the skies, the skies, from the morning rise to the evening sunset the different hues and cloud cover make AZ beautiful. The skies add so much to my photos.

5. Where can we see your work?

At the moment I’m showing at Carly’s on Roosevelt. Also on PHXTACO. Website coming soon.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?    

To show my work in every country on this planet and to have my mark in the history books, but will be happy with people enjoying my photos.

7. What is your mantra?  

I will make it look better!!!!
