Songwriter of the Year: Jeff Gonzales

Songwriting is not just the composition of compelling lyrics; it is also the about finding the perfect pairing of melody and structure for those words you so painstakingly chose. Jeff Gonzales has shown mastery of maintaining this fine balance and earned our award for Songwriter of the Year.

When we heard the 6-track EP Jeff released in April of last year we were immediately captivated, but it was the songwriting that held us there, beginning to end. The Lights Just Went Out lulls you with charming melodies and, before you realize, completely envelops you in the poetry of the lyrics. Somber, deeply reflective, but tinged with beauty brought on by unique perspective like dust caught in a shaft of sunlight.

A few tracks from Jeff’s EP can be heard here. If you haven’t spent time with these songs, do so now. Purchasing the full 6-track album is an investment you won’t regret. And, get out to hear Jeff perform live when the opportunity presents itself. He doesn’t do many shows so each one is worth the extra effort.