YabYum Seven: Dan Pederson

Dan Pederso11. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Dan Pederson and I’ve lived in mesa Arizona for the past 12 years. I’ve been dabbling with art since college, and for the past 3 years I’ve become more serious and I’m continuing to search for style that ignites and excites my creative process…

My work today is mostly with collage and mixed media, I really love the depth you can get off the flat surface as well all the nooks and crannies that are created. The construction and the deconstruction, my organization of clutter, and the reusing and re-purposing of things makes my work more personal and more importantly intimate and inherently mine…

2. How did you get your start?

I was a music performance major in college and was all into the artsy fartsy stuff. I took dance, art, and music composition. Such a great great time and I had such great teachers and friends, pushing my boundaries everyday and opening up my mind and creativity. I did have this professor in college, Bill Boaz, he once told me if I wasn’t happy with a piece he told me to bury it for 6 months and then dig it up to see if you like it better the 2nd time around. That kinda was mind blowing, for a 18 year old from a conservative upbringing. He, and that time I then started to looked at things differently, with new eyes… everything and everywhere was art.

3. What inspires you? 

– Color …………and Lots of it !!!!!!Dan Pederson
– Simplicity …………. I once overheard 2 ladies talking at a show I had a piece in and they said it looked like a child did it. Best
compliment ever !!!
– A good beat …………music moves and drives me and I listen to all sorts in so many genres anything from classical to punk
– Me personally ………. It all about the process,
it’s euphoric, it’s the frenetic whirlwind of my process that is addictive , the excitement and joy of the process, and the surprise of what is made at the end … so awesome.

4. What do you like about AZ? 

The people….. I’ve met some really super people that have helped me grow as an artist and have had some great opportunities in being able to show my work here in the Phoenix area.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

As hokey as it sounds , I post almost all my work on Facebook and I will have 3 pieces at Monorchid Gallery in November for the show, Ten: Modern Abstract.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die? 

Hmmm….. Haven’t really goaled(sic) myself for that, but I suppose to have the ability to continue to work up to that point and feel that euphoria with each work.

7. What is your mantra?

I want my work to continue to surprise me , there is nothing like the surprise of creation and the euphoria from it.

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