YabYum Seven: Marilyn Szabo

SzaboWho are you and what do you do?

I am a photographer with varied themes and a photo historian. I have been all over the world: Fiji, Paris, El Salvador. Recently I have worked on a major project covering the first 100 years of Arizona’s economic history as curator and photographer. The result is At Work in Arizona, a 168-page coffee book containing over 200 images.

How did you get your start?

As mentioned, I started out with a history degree but soon found myself, after a photo course, never without a camera. I saw a beautiful portrait of a man and thought about it for months. I have spent 25 years hoping that I might come close to its quality someday. I worked as a photo assistant in the beginning, taking workshops with George Tice and other photographers, and learning the trade. I spent thousands of hours in a darkroom trying to find the ultimate print. I received several grants which financially helped me to keep working.

What inspires you?

A beautiful, well-crafted photograph. The ability to try extremely different media with photography.

What do you like about AZ?

Its’ easiness and openness. I grew up in the east. I don’t like to wait in lines. I can spend my time here extremely productive.

Where can we see you(r) work?

In the book At Work in Arizona, I have 80 images in it [more here]. On my website [here] and at my studio with a private appointment. In December, I will be showing portraits at MonOrchid.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

To make that ultimate image and to complete at least 3 more series that I have been processing.

What is your mantra?

Keep moving. Speak the truth.

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