6 Electro-Pop Singles

Colten Hood


Arizona artist Colten Hood dropped a new single, “Circles”, in anticipation of his debut album due out this coming Fall. If this track is any indication of what we can expect later this year, The Reel EP is definitely something to look forward to. “Circles” invigorates the listener with its catchy lyrics and uplifting sound. Make sure you check out “Circles” and then you can join us in the wait for the rest of the new EP from Colten Hood.

Danny McGrath


Sure, this song might be titled “California” but the artist behind it is actually from Oregon. And, while Danny McGrath might not be of drinking age, he’s already crafting some sick songs that speak volumes to the musical maturity of their author. “California” is super chill and had me delving further into McGrath’s musical offerings. Danny usually seems to work within the genre of indie rock but this new single incorporates electropop elements to an innovative end. Give “California” from Danny McGrath a listen here…

Micky Shiloah

Move Tonight

This self-produced electro-pop artist out of Los Angeles makes radio-ready numbers that will have you dancing, just like the song accurately claims. “Move Tonight” is an upbeat, hook-heavy track that ensnares the listener in the first half minute. If you like what you’re hearing, I suggest looking further into Shiloah’s online offerings through Soundcloud, but start with “Move Tonight” here…

Molly Moore

Free Spirit

The almost erratic layering of sounds in Molly Moore’s new single goes beyond interesting texturing to give the song an appropriately free-spirited sense of being. “Free Spirit” shows of Moore’s pop prowess is tempered, but not constrained. This isn’t a club hit. No, “Free Spirit” is one of those songs you take along on long, desert drives or you listen to, as loud as possible, in the privacy your own home. Zen out with “Free Spirit” here…


Let’s Go

Harstopper definitely falls more to the EDM-side of the electro-pop spectrum. This new single features Hartstopper working with another L.A. artist (Taketa) as well as the vocal stylings of Allyson Aranez to create a powerful musical trifecta. “Let’s Go” turns the energy way up for a number I dare you not to dance to. If you like to pass your weekends in a sweaty stupor at clubs, this might be your new summer single. Give it a listen here…

Sophia Kameron


Fifteen-year-old Sophia Kameron writes all her own music alone in an room with an acoustic guitar, but by the time the track hits our ears, it’s been supped up electro-pop style. This teenager from Phoenix has a serious message sunken in that club-ready music, one about the pervasive disconnect that contemporary society seems to be suffering from despite our technological advancements to increasing connectivity. There is some serious potential developing in this youngster. Listen for yourself here…