7 Stellar Singles from Singer-Songwriters

by Carly Schorman
Senior Editor



I’ve been bitten by a terrible case of wanderlust of late. Thankfully, New York’s COTE recently released “London”, a dreamy number that brings to mind cobbled streets and foggy English weather. The song was composed over a period of two years and delves to new introspective depths, all set to a pensive pacing that gradually builds energy. The addition of synths adds an electropop hue to “London”. Let’s hope this debut single will be followed up many more tracks from COTE. Give “London” a listen here…

Dillon Tucker


Damn, Dillon Tucker, how’d you get to be so cool? From the aloof vocals to the slinky melody, “Hologram” is undeniably cool and establishes Dillon Tucker as one of those artists I intend on continuing to follow. His sound is gentle yet gritty; dark yet comforting. This L.A.-based artist has additional tracks available through his Soundcloud page (here) which I plan on delving in full. You should do the same, but start below with “Hologram”. You won’t be sorry you did.

Melody Federer


Although she currently resides in Los Angeles, Melody Federer got her start busking the streets of Paris. With her lithe and powerful voice, I can see her making a pretty penny performing for strangers on a street corner with just a guitar. “Standing”, her latest single, demonstrates a strong lyrical sensibility and proves you can do a lot with a little. Melody lends her voice to the track and is accompanied by only a guitar until the addition of some soft strings comes in partway through the track. Preview the track below and then head here to procure your own digital copy.

Dean Sullivan


Nashville singer-songwriter Dean Sullivan released this mellow gem over the summer. “Idioms” is brooding and beautiful. Dreamy layers of sound surround the listener while Sullivan’s voices rides those sound waves with perfect fluidity. Dean Sullivan is definitely a songwriter to watch. Check out “Idioms” below and, if you dig what you’re hearing, head here to procure your  own copy of his forthcoming album, For My Ever-Loving Heart.

Anna Elizabeth Laube

“Please Let it Rain in California Tonight”

Anna Elizabeth Laube is a songwriter from Seattle with a voice of simple yet resounding beauty. She matches her vocal gifts with lyrics so sincere they could melt my cynic’s heart. Maybe. “Please Let it Rain in California Tonight” comes to us from her album, Trees, and I already know what you’re thinking, dear reader – What is this hippie shit? – but stay with me on this: Laube has a voice that will stay with you and, if we’re lucky, it might even warm the world-weary cockles of you heart. “Please Let it Rain in California Tonight” is somber and ruminating as it calms and uplifts. Listen below…

Joe Bray

“Two Broken”

Joe Bray divides his time between Boston and Pittsburgh (depending on the season or school year), but we hope he makes his way westward for an Arizona tour stop sometime. Bray’s latest single, “Two Broken”, is more than a clever play on words: it is heartbroken meandering through a failing relationship. Joe Bray also credits as a producer on this track and you can sample some of those skills in the song’s thoughtful construction and transforming soundscape. Listen to “Two Broken” here…

Jason P. Krug

“The End of Mystery”

Jason P. Krug keeps things raw and mystical on his new track, “The End of Mystery”. The song demonstrates a lyrical prowess while the slightly aggressive slant of Krug’s voice forces the listener into an introspective space. It actually closes out his whopping 16-track LP which can be heard in full through Bandcamp, but first make sure you give “The End of the Mystery” a spin below…