The Songbird Award: Karima Walker

karima 000The only thing that competes with Karima Walker’s stunning song construction is her heart-stirring voice. Walker unveiled Hands in Our Names, recorded at Five Thirteen Recording, back in June and the limited edition cassette already sold out.

Senior editor Carly Schorman wrote of the album, “Combining elements of drone and folk, Walker crafts layers of sound that can have an eerie effect on the listener, like a half-remembered dream or half-forgotten lover.” And, of Walker’s vocal layers, she wrote, “the juxtaposition of Walker’s ethereal voice against the rough, occasionally grating (gently grating, never overly-grating) effects, creates an interesting aural relationship – one that I could spend hours entrenched in.”

Hands in Our Names is experimental and beautiful in the same breath. Karima Walker’s entrancing voice lends itself to the minimal production in such a way as to give it substance beyond its structure. If you haven’t done so already, spend some time with Hands in Our Names by Karima Walker below…


Original review of Hands In Our Names by Karima Walker

Previous Songbird Award Winners:

2015: Anamieke of Treasurefruit
2014: Laura Kepner-Adney
2013: Ann Seletos & Lonna Kelly of Cherie Cherie
2012: Kristina Moore