7 Stellar Singer Songwriters

by Carly Schorman
Senior Editor

Alexander Wolfe

“I Can’t Get to Sleep”

Uh, wow. This new single from London folkster Alexander Wolfe really hits hard on an emotional level. That is partially the result of the subject matter which explores “the stigma and struggle surrounding mental illness today.” But it’s the songwriter’s confessional approach that gives “I Can’t Get to Sleep” its life and force. I can tell this is going to be one of those songs I listen to on “bad days” over and over until my boyfriend threatens to leave and take the dog with him. There is comfort in understanding and Wolfe’s got it in spades. “I Can’t Get to Sleep” is a powerful number that transcends indie-folk. Listen below or head to iTunes to add the single to your Rainy Day playlists.

Lynette Williams

“Au Revoir”

I don’t know what hit me first: the haunting beauty of Lynette Williams’ voice or the stark beauty of her compositions. “Au Revoir” gives the listener both. Terse lyrics flourish when delivered in Williams’ emotive voice against a minimal backdrop. The New York songbird switches between French and English on “Au Revoir” which might add to the sense of intimacy that emerges from this single’s intentionally raw sound. This track comes to us from Lynette Williams’ recently released EP – Love Thee, Not Chaos – which came out a couple months back. Give “Au Revoir” a listen below…

Danny Starr 

“Ease My Mind”

This 18-year-old singer-songwriter from Britain is already making waves with his brooding, noir-tinged modgepodge of folk, rock, and pop. Danny Starr might not be old enough to drink in the States, but this song belongs in a dark, smokey barroom where lipsticked women sway while their drink glasses collect condensation. “Ease My Mind” is a promising start for this young songwriter. Check out the single below &/or head here for the complete EP, Elixir.

Mama Ghost

“So Close”

The singer/songwriter known as Mama Ghost “grew up watching her Mother preform all over the Irish country side in bands surrounded by Musicians, Hippies, Buddhists and Gypsies.” Now, she’s in the U.S. but those unusual roots stretch out in the  earthen sound of her music. Mama Ghost has a unique style of strange folk that will echo with all you Joanna Newsom fans and the like. Her latest single, “So Close”, has a sweet simplicity that is made a little more complex by its slightly melancholy air. If you enjoy “So Close” from Mama Ghost, you can find her EP of the same title on Spotify/iTunes/Soundcloud/etc. through the thoughtfully provide link hub here.

S. Grant Parker

“I’m Fine”

This singer-songwriter based out of Nashville starts off his new single, “I’m Fine”, which a bit of a West Coast stoner-folk vibe, but don’t let that throw you off. “I’m Fine” has some real emotional push in its mellow indie rock groove. You’ll find smart lyrics sauntering beneath the slightly depressed slouch of “I’m Fine”. S. Grant Parker only has two singles to his name by out count, but we’re hoping for more soon. Start with “I’m Fine” below…


George Ogilvie

“Foreign Hands”

Canterbury’s George Ogilvie might only be twenty-two, but his voice and lyrics both echo with greater depth than his age might imply. Ogilvie worked with Mercury Prize Winning producer Jonathan Quarmby on “Foreign Hands” to craft a rich emotional landscape with a sound that is both intricate and totally fluid from start to finish. Listen to the “Foreign Hands” by George Ogilvie below or head here to score your own digi-download of the track.

Sara Ontaneda

“Aprovechar (Sencillo)”

Sara Ontaneda is a NYC-based songwriter, but the Ecuadorian-American artist mixes R&B and folk with a little South-American flare in shaping her own unique, and richly layered, sound. “Aprovechar (Sencillo)” is the first single from Ontaneda’s forthcoming LP, Entre Espacios y Colores. The single creates a dreamy atmosphere enhanced by Ontaneda’s airy vocals. You don’t even need to understand the words to understand the feel of this song. Listen for yourself below or head here to download the single from Sara Ontaneda.