7 Chill Electropop Singles

chill electropop 00XYLØ

“I Still Wait for You”

The L.A. duo behind XYLØ consists of Chase Duddy (producer/drummer/songwriter ) and his younger sister, Paige (vocalist/songwriter). The pair have me wondering what my brother and I might have accomplished if we spent all that time arguing over the remote control cultivating those music skills. I still don’t think we’d be able to nail the funky fresh sound of XYLØ’s brand of electropop. “I Still Wait for You” is kickback and feisty all at the same time. Expect some serious playlist placement for this single. Give it a spin below…

Kan Wakan

“Still Feather”

SAIGO, the featured vocalist on Kan Wakan’s new single, provides wavering vocals that have an almost James Blake feel in their ethereal delivery. Gueorgui Linev, the L.A.-based artist who performs as Kan Wakan, uses SAIGO’s voice like another instrumental layer rather than the focal point of this track. The end result is fluid and beautiful; more like a dream you unexpectedly find yourself in during an afternoon’s doze than that verse-hook-verse one expects from a radio hit. According to the artist, “‘Still Feather” ruminates on our industrial daydream; the precarious union of technology and prosperity.” That industrial element remains subtle on “Still Feather” but very present in the brooding atmosphere of this meditative piece. Listen for yourself below…*


“Childhood Dreams”

The Norwegian singer-songwriter known as ARY released this single shortly after Valentine’s Day. “Childhood Dreams” sets some meditative songwriting against a background with some real bounce. The lyrics drive at striking a balance between one’s ambitions and one’s personal life. But, when a person has ambitions, the matter is often personal so, Grrrrl, I really get you on this one. “Childhood Dreams” from ARY was released through Petroleum Records and is available for your listening pleasure below…

Jocelyn Alice

“Bound to You”

Jocelyn Alice is a rising talent in her native Canada and it looks like she’s ready to cross the border into the American charts. Her new single, “Bound to You”, definitely marks her as someone you might want to keep an eye on. Her nimble voice has some Big City sass while the emotive power says Small Town sincere. Make sure you check out “Bound to You” by Jocelyn Alice so you can someday say, “I heard her when…”



The Nashville duo known as BIYO dropped this super chill single a little over a month ago. Combining eletropop with R&B elements, Biyo creates a sleek number that could easily make the radio rounds. The shifting soundscape that supports the single builds in energy without ever going full on rowdy so this is a great track for those at-home playlists rather than club-scene-crunk. Give the single a spin below…

White Night


The cross-continent duo fuses together 80s synth pop elements with contemporary modes of song construction for a fresh sound. Yes, I’m talking about White Night and their new single, “Close”. Dreamy vocals float over a vibrant aural landscape that changes in color and texture as you move from start to finish. White Night is the undertaking of Willi Leinen and Elizabeth Boardman, one based in Berlin and the other in San Francisco. Thankfully, the band has found ways to overcome the challenge of physical divide to create such captivating music. Listen to “Close” by White Night below…

Phil Good

“Growing Up”

“Growing Up” marks the second single from L.A.-based artist known as Phil Good (formerly of DRESSES). Phil Good might not be his real name, but his sound has an authentically emotional core that is subtle and powerful in the same breath. And, that’s because it feels real, unlike a lot of the overly emotive drivel out there. I bet everyone who listens to “Growing Up” has either been on this side of the conversation or its implied prequel. Either way, you’ll relate. Give “Growing Up” from Phil Good a listen below…

* This segment was corrected. Originally, we stated that Kan Wakan provide the vocals for his single, but SAIGO was actually the featured vocalist on this track.