Prizefighting Kangaroo Episode 03: Musical Films Not Musicals

prizefighting kangaroo 501For our third episode, “Musical Films Not Musicals”, we’ve reached into the kangaroo’s pouch, pushed the baby aside, and pulled out some music-centric movies we’ve loved and hated that are not, we repeat, not musicals.

Some of the movies we converse about, along with our producer Devin, are Dudes, 24 Hour Party People, Spinal Tap, Walk Hard, and Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping. We go old and new, as usual, and don’t hold anything back. We may talk just about musicals one day, but this day wasn’t it.

You can join the team of Prizefighting Kangaroo tomorrow (4/22/2018) at Filmbar in Phoenix for their monthly director’s showcase, Gateway Drug!

Or come down to TRIVIADOME, a film trivia night hosted by Amy and Ashley of Prizefighting Kangaroo, every month at Valley Bar.