Spirit Award 2019: Dani Cutler

Dani Cutler holds the unofficial title of “Scene Mom” within the local music scene, but we thought it was time we made it official. Then we thought, “Can we do that?” I mean, as bloggers, we kind of assign our own authority, right? But, as luck would have it, bloggers and radio show hosts have more than a few things in common and one of those things is a shameless appreciation for our own opinions. So we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge Dani Cutler and her unwavering commitment to supporting the local music scene and the artists who give us a scene to support.

As the driving force behind KWSS (93.9 FM), the Valley’s most important independent radio station for local musicians, Dani is constantly abuzz with fund-raising efforts, station-sponsored shows, and an endless litany of live events to stay apprised with what’s happening in Phoenix music. But Dani Cutler doesn’t stop there. She also works as a creative consultant and often shares the knowledge she’s acquired with artists by participating in industry panels, meet-ups, and idle chitchat at concert venues. And, in her free time, she volunteers with CASA as a court appointed advocate to help protect abused and neglected children in Arizona.

Chelsey Louise of Fairy Bones fame said, “Mom, I mean Dani, is one of the most special people I’ve ever met. It’s really not a surprise that she has about 13,209 “children” now, because she’s a silver fox who gives a shit about what she’s doing, gives a shit about local music, AND gives a shit about you personally. She just loves what she does, and that love is worn on her sleeve. I love you mom!”

Really, Dani should have a superhero cape. According to Michael Zimmerlich, President of 80/20 Records,  “Dani Cutler is by far one of the biggest supporters of not only local music, but up and coming artists in general. Her kindness and generosity are rarely matched by anyone.”

And that is why we’re closing out the decade by acknowledging everyone’s favorite Scene Mom and our recipient of this year’s Spirit Award: Dani Cutler.