Henrys Ghosts 700

Episode 016: Henry’s Ghosts

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 016: Henry's Ghosts

In this episode, I’m honoring a special birthday request for more ghost stories, but rather than just running through an assortment of haunted places, I thought it would be fun to focus on the ghosts that surround one historical figure: King Henry VIII of England. Henry the VIII’s romantic life, and his six wives, has held our fascination for centuries so we’ll be discussing the lives (ahem, I mean, afterlives) of his many brides… King Henry’s ghosts.

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TMD All Hallows Eve 700

Episode 015: All Hallows Eve

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 015: All Hallows Eve

There are so many different festivals and holidays around the end of October that merged together to form what we in the USA call Halloween and today I’d like us to untangle some of those threads together. We’ll walk through some of the history of the holiday from the ancient festival of Samhain to the present-day consumer megabeast we know and love…

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Radio Phoenix Broadcast of The YabYum Hour: Ryan B. Clark of Hookworm Records

On this edition of The YabYum Hour on Radio Phoenix, Ryan B. Clark of Hookworm Records joined us at our in-home studio. While wrapping up the final stages of Hookworm One, we had him on the show to discuss how the process has been. Find out who all the bands are not only on this first compilation but who will be on the second one as well by tuning in. And, since this show ran extra long, anyone who tuned in live will now be able to hear the entire thing!

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Odds and Endings 700

Episode 014: Odds and Endings

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 014: Odds and Endings

For this episode, I discuss some odds & ends I’ve discovered on this podcasting journey. Sometimes my research turns up interesting tidbits that I don’t get to talk about during our brief monthly meditation. So I’ve gathered some favorites here including the paradoxical frog, toxic people, spontaneous combustion, and more…

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Radio Phoenix Broadcast of The YabYum Hour: Summertime Sadness

The summertime sadness hit hard this year. Having taken the last few months off from doing The YabYum Hour on Radio Phoenix, Senior Editors Carly and Mark decided to return to the show. Playing new tracks they collected in the weeks leading up to the broadcast, they also pay tribute to Andy Warpigs by airing their “Songs from the Reading Room” performance…

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lucky number thirteen 13

Episode 013: Lucky Number Thirteen

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 013: Lucky Number Thirteen

This episode just so happens to be Lucky Number 13 so I thought this would be the perfect time to explore my lucky number and the superstitions surrounding it. We’ll get into some of the history of its unlucky status, its present day impact, Friday the 13th, and more. You can also hear Carly say “paraskevidekatriaphobia” several times…

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