Summer Publishing Schedule

To our beloved readers,
As we come into our third year of publication we are both excited to continue bringing you the latest on Arizona music, art, and culture and a little dismayed to share that there will be a slight delay in our ongoing coverage. Carly Schorman, our editor-in-chief (although she prefers Fearless Leader), has been subject to some health problems that have attempted to interfere with YabYum’s commitment to timely publications in the past with little success. Recently, however, we learned that an extra time-out will be required. In light of this development, we have decided to opt for a Summer Publishing Schedule with a new issue every 6 weeks rather than every month for the remainder of the summer. We hope to resume our normal publishing schedule in the Fall.
Hugs and kisses,
The YabYummers
Just to make it clear…
Original Schedule:
June 1st
July 1st
August 1st
Updated Schedule:
June 15th
August 1st
*resume normal monthly publication schedule