4 Super New Bands to Watch

I don’t know who these people are but I know I want to hear everything they record, forever. The fast-paced, fun-loving introductory track “I’m Full of Lust (and I Want You)” is amazing. So amazing, in fact, that it has secured my fandom in under two minutes. I must see this band live. Good thing they’re playing around a million upcoming shows and I’ll get the chance! For more info and showtimes click here.
photo courtesy of NUMB BATS
The feisty surf-punk overlaid with the minimalist call-it-out lyrics of the NUMB BATS might just fill the vacancy left by North Dakota’s brief but powerful appearance on the local music scene (and, thankfully, the band hasn’t tossed in the towel despite continental divide). To date, the NUMB BATS have only one live video available online. I have listened to it 50 times today. I need an album. I need one quickly. Fear not, early fans, the group does have quite the schedule of live performances so you can get your regular NUMB BATS fix in a less psychotic manner, or just listen to the video over and over and over….
Update: Video no longer available.
Chelsey Louise, the spirited singer of Born Loser and the Hangers On has embarked on a new venture with Fairy Bones. As a songwriter, Chelsey definitely wakes up on the edgier side of the ballad bed (my favorite) in this new project. And, with Bob Hoag of Flying Blanket set to record their first EP this June, Fairy Bones is a band to watch for sure!
So, technically, Exploding Oranges have been on the scene for a little while now but we’re including them in the mix because it took them a bit to come into their own and find just the right players to make their “indie space folk” really come to life. Exploding Oranges has come a long way in a short time. Their music is refreshingly innocent pop, both sweet and optimistic. Hearing them live carries the sense of a faintly remembered dream and the warmth of summer mornings. Hear Exploding Oranges here.