Hip to Be Square

I know we cover a lot of cool music and art around town, but in our heart of hearts we’re really just bunch of nerds. Whether you realize it or not, Arizona is a pretty happening place for all things geek. How in-the-know you are about such things might also depend whether or not you read Lightning Octopus with any regularity (FYI). Here are some super awesome, nerd-centric events drawing ever nearer. Whether you’re a die-hard gamer or a Browncoat looking to connect, there something out there for you!
May 23 -26
Phoenix Comicon is probably the biggest annual geek fest this fair state has to offer… no surprise once you check out the ginormous list of names attached to the conference! If you plan on crashing out on-site, I suggest booking a room immediately or you just might end up sleeping in your car rather than missing out on any of the festivities. If you’re not as “hardcore” as some of us, day passes are available so you can still catch some of the action. 
In conjunction with Phoenix Comicon, Bookmans will be hosting a Geek Prom in the Hyatt Regency Ballroom. A separate ticket must be purchased for the events but all the proceeds go to support Kids Need to Read! More info here

AZ Collectors Marketplace
April 20
10 am – 4 pm

AZ Collectors Marketplace is set for their Re-Grand Opening this Saturday at their new location on Indian School. From comic books to retro Transformers still in the package, this is the place to pick up some the nerdy necessities that make a house a home. I would definitely recommend making it out for the Re-Grand Opening for the Cosplay Carwash, if nothing else. Live music, hot dogs, a silent auction, and more than 20 different vendors will be on hand for the event and, I repeat, the Cosplay Carwash. For more about the event, head here. See you there!

MaricopaCon started a few years ago in someone’s backyard and it’s been growing ever since. This year’s event, with a little support through kickstarter, looks like it shaping up to be the best to date! The Grass Roots Gaming Convention of Arizona has already met their preliminary goals, but the higher the dollar amount yielded by the fundraiser, the more fabulousness the event promises. Whether you’re into RPG’s or Apples to Apples, MaricopaCon has the game for you. For more info, check out the MaricopaCon website here. I also recommend checking out the awesome video these grassroots gamers made in support of their kickstarter campaign.