Miss Missconstrued Answers the YabYum Seven

Photos courtesy of Miss Missconstrued – for photo credits and additional images head here.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Reanna, known as Miss Missconstrued. I am a fashion designer, and I also own Missconstrued Boutique & Gallery in Downtown Phoenix which houses almost 60 local artists, and also has a salon known as “Hair or Dye” where clients have a one-on-one comfortable atmosphere to get their beauty on!

2. How did you get your start?

A lot of struggles, really! It took a long time of networking, creating and motivation. I also have a VERY strong support system of friends and co-artists that I owe a huge thank you to. I started painting hats and now I’m here.

3. What inspires you?

Everything and anything. I’m deeply inspired by the dark arts.

4. What do you like about Arizona?

I love it here because there is so much rich talent that has pretty much been untouched. We also have awesome weather. I hate the cold!

5. Where can people see you(r) work?

They can find us online at missconstrued.com, at our physical location at Missconstrued Boutique and Gallery and can also find us on FacebookTumblrInstagramTwitter and Model Mayhem. Google us, we are EVERYWHERE!

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I want to take my fashion and my artists to a global scale. I would love for Missconstrued to become a staple name in the underground artists community.

7. What’s your mantra?

I always say that I like to keep it fun and wearable. “Wearable Art” is the trendy statement used more today.
