Singing Songwriting Sisters

Female singer-songwriters don’t seem to get quite the same attention that the fellas do around town. When I head out for an acoustic set or open mic night, I find the boys tend to hold the stage but Arizona has some fabulous females hashing it out with a voice and a guitar. Courtney Marie Andrews’ recent release got me thinking about some of the talented songbirds to grace Valley stages (although Andrews herself recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest she still heads to home turf to celebrate her album release). Here are some of the gifted lady tigers that have recently crossed my electronic path…

Courtney Marie Andrews

On My Page

It’s been almost three years since Courtney Marie Andrews’ first LP No One’s Slate is Clean first rallied me to the singer’s fan base. It seems cliché at this point to mention Joni Mitchell when speaking of Andrews but her astounding depth, unexpectedly aged wisdom, and free-spirited, uniquely feminine perspective weave together in a welcome and familiar triad for Mitchell fans. Courtney Marie Andrews’ resplendent voice commands the listener’s full attention. And, full attention is required to penetrate the tenebrous words of this keenly intelligent songwriter. Spend some time with On My Page today.

Ashley Creighton


Light and airy pop doesn’t have to be trite as Ashley Creighton goes on to demonstrate on her four track EP. Contained within are four tracks toward a better day: upbeat, empowering, yet contemplative. Make sure you head out this coming Saturday (Cinco de Mayo) to catch Ashley opening for Spirit Cave at Last Exit Live (more details here). In the meantime, spend some time with her recordings here.

April Anne

Piano Strings

Pianist and songwriter, April Anne released the provocative single “Piano Strings” just a couple weeks ago and marked the occasion with a show at Lawn Gnome Publishing. The location seemed particularly apropos given April Anne poetry-fueled lyrics a la Jewel. If the single isn’t enough to fulfill your April Anne listening needs, check out her Reverbnation page for additional tracks.

Amber Hunter

Freedom Steps

In 2012, Amber Hunter released a very personal collection of songs on the album Freedom Steps. Approaching songwriting from the angle of personal journaling rather than from the safe distance of abstraction, Amber Hunter really puts herself into her music. Distinctly spiritual undertones are woven through the album while Amber’s agile voice nimbly spills out honest lyrics in pure pop. Listen to Freedom Steps here.