We’re on Instagram!

We’re always looking for new ways to share our findings with our readers. We’ve been on Facebook and Twitter for some time now but recently stepped our game by adding Pinterest, Google + ([email protected]) and now Instagram!! What we’re trying to say is, we’re here for you – whatever your preferred format. We’re digging Instagram because it let’s us share those brief moments that make up our week but don’t always get featured on our site or blog. Looking back over the first couple of weeks of Instagram shots there is a warm fuzzy feeling, a sense of community, of place and life. Let the good times roll (and be commemorated for when our memory fails us). Find us, follow us, whatever it is we’re supposed to do here. Join us.

Noodles, the Trunk Space Cat, made an early appearance for our new Instagram account. RIP Noodles!
Mail from North Dakota (the band, not the place)? Yes, please, and thank you!

“Oatmeal Creme Pies” from Nami. Yum.

Treasurefruit‘s Anamieke Quinn throwing down some songwriting skills.
Zine Wall at Lawn Gnome Publishing.

A Welcome Diner trip is ideal for late night noshing. 

This sign says a lot more about AZ overall then was likely intended.
Anyone know where this is?