Fred Tieken Answers the Yab Yum Seven

For more than five decades, Fred Tieken’s life has been filled with music, art and design. He has been a musician and vocalist, songwriter and arranger, recording engineer and producer, artist manager, music publisher and concert promoter.

Fred was creative director at a leading Chicago design agency before establishing his own company in Chicago and then in Phoenix. During the course of his career he received more than 200 national and international awards in the fields of design, illustration, art direction, marketing and advertising.

Now retired from the business world, Fred has been inspired to create contemporary works of art as an outlet for his creative energy.
1. Who are you and what do you do?
I am Fred Tieken, or Freddie to those who have known me for a long time. At various times in my evolution I have been a rocker, graphic designer and artist. For the last three years I have been painting obsessively as though the images in my mind have been waiting my entire life to come alive on canvas.
2. How did you get your start?
I got my start when I was fired from my drafting job a week before Christmas. This gave me the push I needed to explore my creative side.

3. What inspires you?
I am inspired by humanity. I just opened a smaller, second studio in Venice, California. It’s two blocks from the beach and I love to watch the steady flow of people going back and forth all day long. I get so much energy from them.
4. What do you like about Arizona?
I really enjoy the quality of life in Arizona. It’s a relatively easy place to live and work. I’ve been here since 1986 and Arizona has been very good to me.
5. Where can we see you(r) work?
This fall and winter season I have a busy schedule of solo exhibitions in Phoenix. September 6 – October 12 I’m at monOrchid on Roosevelt Avenue. November 1 – 29 I’m at Gallo Blanco in the Hotel Clarendon. December 6 – 31 I’m at 9 The Gallery on Grand Avenue and February 1 – 28 I’ll be returning to Obliq Gallery in Arizona Center.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

A good night’s sleep would be nice.
7. What’s your mantra?
The medium is the message.
