Show Picks of the Week!!

This is a weekend for BIG SHOWS. For Us Presents the It Gets Weird Festival: a three-day event at the Firehouse in Phoenix beginning tonight! Also, this weekend is the second half of Rubber Brother Fest with even more tapes available! This Friday at the Rogue, Doctor Bones makes their long-awaited return to the stage with new lead singer Zach West. Joining them are YabYum favorites Sun Ghost and Snake!Snake!Snakes! Also tonight, the Trunk Space presents “Welcome Back”, an album release benefiting women released from prison. The release show features some of the artists from the compilation – Daryl Scherrer, Wayward horses, and Dogbreth. Saturday night at Long Wong’s is the full band debut of Morning Theft with St Ranger, Saddles, Sundressed and more!

For more Upcoming Shows, head here!