Radio Phoenix Recap

Hey, if you missed our show last Friday, you should be ashamed.. Wait, no, we’re kidding. You do have two more chances to catch our Radio Phoenix debut. The show re-airs on Thanksgiving at 6am so we don’t expect too many of our rocknroll readership to be awake at that hour. Unless, that is, you’re getting ready to go to sleep at that time. A podcast of the program will be made available in the next couple weeks and we’ll be sure to post the link as soon as it’s available.

Our next show will be aired live on the Fourth Friday of the month – Dec. 27th – at the usual time – 7 pm. Hope you all have a chance to tune in!

Here’s the playlist (as promised) from our very first show. Below that you’ll find the concert calendar we also shared with radio listeners. 
Sister Lip – “Sue”
Future Loves Past – “Fear of Growing”
Dry River Yacht Club – “The Legend of El Tigre”
Fairy Bones – “Like Like”
Asian Fred – “The Cops Wanna Keep Us Down”
Petty Things – “The Itch”
JJCnV – “I’ll Keep You”
Black Rose Mansion – “Arching Angles”
Wolvves – “Dance”
North Dakota – “Bikini”
Bogan Via – “Afternoon Wonderland”
Cherie Cherie – “Friday’s Child”
Stray Flares – “Reno”
Where are All the Buffalo? – Kwiaty Są Piękne
Stephen Steinbrink – “Now You See Everything”
Former Friends of Young Americans– “Love Hope Doubt”
Concert Calendar:
Nov 29 – Fairy Bones release show at the Rogue
Nov 29 – Dec 1 – Rubber Brother Round Robin
Dec 5 – Capt Squeegee release at the Crescent
Dec 6 – Shelby James & the Crying Shames at the Western in Scottsdale
Dec 6 – Tierra Firme at Rogue
Dec 7 – Former Friends release at Yucca
Dec 7 – in Tucson – Steff Koeppen & the Articles
Dec 14 – Cherie Cherie release at Crescent
And I think we instituted a Bragg’s Factory Diner tradition post-radio-show. Mmmm, pie.