5 New Summer Classics

3Prom Body

My Paradise

Tucsonian Michael Fay has earned a reputation for making music worth hearing with bands like Sleep like Trees and Pollution Salute, but Prom Body might be my favorite project to date. “My Paradise” achieves that buoyant garage-punk feel that always reminds me of summer time. Listen to “My Paradise” here. Prom Body will be kicking off their summer tour on July 29th at Topaz in Tucson with Katterwaul (another fav) and Kid Puto.


3Flower Festival

Shame On Me

The two-track cassette single from Phoenix’s Flower Festival has a retro-hued, bedroom dreampop style that provides the ideal soundtrack for steamy summer days passed hiding in the cool, darkened indoor spaces with large glasses of iced tea and a couple of chill compadres. You will feel cooler, physically and characteristically, as the track continues. Hang around for the B-side number “All of My Opinions”, another shoegaze ditty that will have you drifting cheerily through the warm haze of days to come. Listen here.

3Dark Seas

Lonely Eyes

There is something about those sticky summer nights where the city steams and seethes, riling up the seedier side of your soul for a little trouble-making. Or, at least, late night hang out sessions fueled by cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, drugs, and any combination therein. Maybe it’s just that mix of alt-country and psychedelic surf rock that gets me antsy and angsty at the same time, reminding me of summers past spent driving around listening to The Black Angels.  Listen to “Lonely Eyes” from Utah’s Dark Seas here.


3Head Over Heart 

No Sleep

Tucson synthpop duo Jordan Prather and Belinda Peters perform under the name Head Over Heart but there is plenty of emotive ooomph behind the single “No Sleep”. The track has a Euro pop, dance club feel that will have you ready to jump around with Trainspotting style. Listen to “No Sleep” here and, while you’re there, check out the slinky song “You and Me”, also released on June 1st.


3Thy Name is John

Sun Bear

A song within a song, “Sun Bear” is an enchanting summer sing-along that will have you reminiscing about the Huckleberry days of youth. Denver musicians Thy Name is John adopts a whimsical style that offers the perfect delivery for “Sun Bear”. Listen here and peruse earlier releases from Thy Name is John.