3 Super Fun EPs

Bear GhostBear Ghost

Your Parents Are Only Marginally Disappointed In Your Musical Taste!

Okay, so this band’s been around for nearly four years and I am only now discovering Bear Ghost outta Mesa, AZ? How could this have happened? I mean, this album came out in April and I’m only now hearing it. If I knew who to hit in the face for this oversight, I would. I guess I just have to revel in Your Parents Are Only Marginally Disappointed In Your Musical Taste! and the knowledge that I am committed to Bear Ghost for all future-tense scenarios. Something about the upbeat, video-game-reminiscent rocknroll hits me in my happy place. Hyper and not too hard, Bear Ghost strikes the right balance to make invigorating music that will have you dancing around your house (or the office while your co-workers looking on in confused amusement like I’m dealing with right now). My only complaint is that the album is just too gosh darn short. Five tracks is a hefty EP, sure, but I need more. This is a band I definitely want to check out live and, thankfully, they have a few opportunities coming up to add to the ol’scheduroo including Joe’s Grotto on Sept. 26th and Club Red (East Theatre) on Halloween. Until then, you can get your hands on Your Parents Are Only Marginally Disappointed in Your Musical Taste! (literally or digitally) here!

Leonardo DiCapricornLeonardo DiCapricorn

Suite 4

It all started with a name, but some authentic Leonardo DiCapricorn love has taken up residence in my black critic’s heart. The three-track EP  opens with “Burritos”. For those of you new to Camp DiCapricorn, the band combines a jazzy nerd rock sound with generational impetus toward observational irony. The effect is something I can definitely get down to. The second track is the fan favorite “J-NO” that we first heard on Vice​-​Versace. I dare you to try listening to this song live without screaming out lyrics. The kids make serious music no matter how many layers of jokes are piled on top. “Dexter” closes out Suite 4 with the expected style and sass that defines Leonardo DiCapricorn. The Tempe rockers were a regular feature at the now-defunct Parliament, but I expect they’ll find so new local venues to shake up as soon as they get back to town after playing a couple out-of-state gigs with Playboy Manbaby. I suggest giving Suite 4 a listen here. Considering delving further into Leonardo DiCapricorn and exploring earlier releases from the band. Good times will be had by all.

Honk for Hot Buns!Honk for Hot Buns!

Honk for Hot Buns!

I know Autumn just kicked in, but we always enjoy a few extra weeks of weather warm enough to be deemed summery. Why the sudden interest in prolonging the horror that is the Arizona summertime? Because Honk for Hot Buns! sets up the perfect summer soundtrack with its fun-loving throwback rock sound with the kitsch turned way up. The EP kicks off (after a lengthy intro skit) with “Never Runnin’ Alone”, a personal favorite from the self-titled release that I definitely would have dialed into Y95 radio as a kid (for all you kids that grew up in our dry desert). I’ll be sure to add the track to any and all impending BBQ playlists. “Cold Beer and a Radio” demands that listeners sing-a-long so maybe I’ll save that one for the car. If you’re looking for boundary-pushing musical innovations, I might look somewhere other than Honk for Hot Buns!, but if you enjoy nostalgic-heavy rock that will lighten the mood and maybe elicit a chuckle or two, this is an EP you want to hear. You can check out Honk for Hot Buns! here.