YabYum Seven: Scott Wolf

scott wolf1. Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Scott Wolf and I’m an artist. The short answer is I breakdown and present uncomfortable instances in digestible ways.

The longer response is more about processing popular culture, provocations and investigating expectations. Sexuality, family dynamics, violence and bad jokes coexist in bright colors, loud patterns and firm line work.


2. How did you get your start?

I started creating as a child, but did not begin rolling out consistent work and showing it until about 2 years ago.


3. What inspires you?

Worldwide / multiple era pop culture imagery with a special focus on American superabundance. Processes of chine-collé, exquisite corpse and assemblage. I’m also inspired by things that are old and that have a history. Things that look or feel out of place in the present.


wolf 01

“Dyed (For Your Sins)”

4. What do you like about AZ?

Bookman’s. I also like that Arizona has so many different climates and it’s geography is so varied. One day I hope to see it for myself.


5. Where can we see you(r) work?

Previous shows at R. Pela Contemporary, Willo North Gallery, monOrchid and at my website colororgy.com


6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

A cover story in Hi-Fructose magazine.


wolf 02

“Responsive to Commands”

7. What is your mantra?

“Life isn’t about finding yourself; Life is about creating yourself.”



wolf 03

“Night Soak”

wolf 04

“Hybrid (Cameraphone)”

wolf 05

“Corn Smut”

wolf 06

“Nude Window”

wolf 07

“Eastern Promises”

wolf 08

“Sold Sole”