The Songbird: Laura Kepner-Adney

Laura 00Every year we like to acknowledge one vocalist of matchless talent, the one who really put the wind in our sails with every note. Laura Kepner-Adney definitely met that criteria. The Tucson songbird might be known for her work with the harmoniously rustic Silver Thread Trio or retro rockers The Cordials, but it is her new project, Laura and the Killed Men, that has us excited for 2015.

Laura and the Killed Men combine the efforts of Laura Kepner-Adney and the members of another amazing musical project out of Tucson, Sun Bones. The band plans on releasing an album sometime this year and they have a summer tour in the works. We can’t wait.

It addition to a voice that is truly stunning, Laura Kepner-Adney is thoughtful in her choice of projects, selecting musical undertakings that, like her, reflect something memorable, a little old-fashioned, and ultra hip. Just listen for yourself. You can hear Laura and the Killed Men performing “Secrets on a Postcard” in the video below or head here to hear some of the early tracks available from the band through Soundcloud.