French Girls Premiere “Dude Rocker”

french girls title

Photo courtesy of French Girls

Record Store Day 2015 is almost upon us and this year you can look forward to some extra special local music compilations in addition to the usual collectors’ dream of exclusive offerings. Zia Record Exchange is ready to drop their annual Record Store Day comp, You Heard Us Back When, featuring an array of artists from Phoenix, Tucson, and Las Vegas.

French Girls is one of the bands representing Phoenix on this year’s collection. The punk rock foursome will be releasing “Dude Rocker” on You Heard Us Back When Vol. 9 due out on Record Store Day on Saturday, April 18th. You can get a sneak peek of the track right here. Word has it you can look forward to some new French Girls’ recordings later this year.

In the meantime, you can check out “Dude Rocker” down below. And don’t forget to pick up your copy of Zia’s You Heard Us Back When Vol. 9 on Saturday. Featured artists on the comp include Motobunny, Pistoleros, The SunPunchers, The Venomous Pinks, Bogan Via, Fairy Bones, Clay Dudash, Bear Ghost, Whiskey Kiss, and many, many more.

For more information on Zia Record Exchange and their Record Store Day release, head here. And, if you haven’t already, make sure you get out to see French Girls live. You won’t be sorry.


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