YabYum Seven: Song River


All photos courtesy of Song River

Who are you and what do you do?

Song River: Human, with many faults and frailties, trying my best to live in a way that shows my faith. Mostly take up space, consume mass quantities of food, and breathe.

Such an odd question really, as who and what is me. Hmmm… I’m me. For what I do, that can change on any given day or moment. Sometimes, I am a photographer, sometimes a journalist, sometimes a chef, sometimes a painter, sometimes a Japanese watercolourist, sometimes an abstract mixed media creator, sometimes a beach bum (which I could do permanently), sometimes a traveler, sometimes an amateur astronomer, sometimes a frustrated mess, sometimes girly, always a mom, always a friend, always trying to be a better person and walk the talk of my faith, but most of the time I am just me.

How did you get your start?

You mean I have started? That’s a story I will sit down and share with anyone over a good cup of coffee, especially if they will tell me their story first. People are so fascinating.

Eh…Otherwise, it feels like bragging to me.

What inspires you?

Watching clouds float, and change shapes against the backdrop of a robin’s egg blue sky. Seriously. Wow. That and music. I can only work effectively listening to music. And I’ve this special gift, at least its always worked… I get the chills when I hear a song that is going to be a hit. Weird.

What do you like about AZ?CowGirlZen6

YabYum (yes, I am brown-nosing).

Where can we see you(r) work?

If you want to come over to my house you can see me work just about 24/7/365. Problem is when I work I only wear a tshirt and underwear. Unless it’s casual Friday’s… then…

Photography falderal:
Music Website: CowGirlZen Photography
Photography Website: CowGirlZen Photography
Portfolio Stash: Flickr
CGZ Fiercely Independent Creatives: Blog shared with friends

Other than that just follow me on FB. Just allow that to be sufficient, because otherwise it would take too much space and time to see all of what I do. AND oh yes, you can see my work on YabYum.

CowGirlZen8What would you like to accomplish before you die?

In all seriousness, I want to live a million, no, a billion lifetimes! There are so many things I want to do as I am incurably curious and a life long learner! I love cultures, and social structures, along with politics, and quantum theories, and delving into the philosophical possibilities.

Ultimately, I feel I have already accomplished my greatest feat and that was my kids. They are such incredible beings, all multi-talented, and gifts from God. Outside of that the rest has been the icing, cherry, nuts, fudge, etc…

However, as I wrap up this ending towards the homestretch part of my existence I want to continue to work on humanitarian efforts and projects. If that takes me to traveling the world, then so be it, if it is only helping a homeless person I bump into while walking across the street… that’s cool. My goal is to be a better being, and to leave this place a little bit more compassionate.

Help me learn that too, please?


What is your mantra?

Laugh at yourself, it’s okay to trip.

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