YabYum Seven: Mimi Jardine

Mimi Jardine 11. Who are you and what do you do?

I can’t help but be stymied by this question. I know it’s meant to be simple but semantically, the first part, “who are you,” is too big for me to tackle. So I will respond with my name: I am Mimi Jardine. I do lots of things, some of which are: read slowly but with great interest, provide a loving home to a parade of miniature schnauzers, make things out of found objects, think about making things, talk about making things, watch lots of tv and movies, pull weeds, occasionally clean my house.

2. How did you get your start?

My latest start came when I moved to Phoenix from North Carolina five years ago. I was given the advice to look at the CV of a person whose work I admired and try to emulate their trajectory. That led me to apply to eye lounge, where I will open my third and final show in a few days. [The show will continue to run through 8/6]

3. What inspires you?

Everything! Human nature, disgust, tv, other peoples’ art, books, my husband, friends, humor, inanity, color, stuff, junk, textiles, fashion, food, and of course, litter.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I like Phoenix! I felt welcome here immediately.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

I will have some work at the Shemer in the eye lounge show opening June 25th [through 8/6]. After that, I will take a chunk of time to re-group.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I practice the art of contentment, so I don’t think like that. There are many places and things I’d like to see, like Finland and the aurora borealis, but if I died tomorrow I would die content with my life and accomplishments.

7. What is your mantra?


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Scanned redacted Official Intake Document from The Office of Environmental Responsibility’s Mobile Remittance Division’s appearance at Scottsdale Public Art’s Canal Convergence.


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Table of pre-sorted litter; in collaboration with The Office of Environmental Responsibility; The Tenderization of Litter project.


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Pile of bagged litter; The Litter Project: Round One.


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Front door of installation; The Office of Environmental Responsibility, To-Go Lid Division.