YabYum Seven: Tawny Gamboa

Tawny 11. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Tawny Gamboa, I am a mother to a two year old little boy named Leo Christopher and expecting my second son in late September! I am blessed to say I am able to do what I love…I create! I am a custom artist, muralist, and art instructor.

2. How did you get your start?Tawny 2

Art and painting has always been part of my life since a very young age, but not until after my brother passed away four years ago did I begin to question my way of living. I decided I needed to make a drastic change for the better or else be consumed by addiction and depression. I decided to regain my inner peace, move forward in the right direction and I used art as a positive healing tool and began painting to create beauty in my world which also brought joy to others as well. Soon after, I noticed I was being asked to paint for others and with such encouragement I decided I needed to turn my everyday hobby into a living.

3. What inspires you?

A lot of things and people inspire me…My family, my emotions or everyday experiences shape a lot of what I paint. Other amazing artists such as Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh are my top three inspirational artists I admire.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I am a native to Tempe Arizona and love the openness and magnitude of it’s beautiful sunsets and skies. Not until I lived in other states did I truly appreciate the desert landscape and beautiful sunsets. AZ is captivating and inspiring and is my home. Most of all my family lives in AZ and I am very close to my family.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

Most of my work is commissioned artwork and murals at private homes throughout the valley and country but images of my work can be seen on my website here, my FB page Arte del Amor- Tawny Gamboa and my Instagram account Tawnymg3. I was given the opportunity to paint a utility box for the city of Tempe off of 3rd Street and Ash Avenue which can be viewed by the public.

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6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

A dream of mine is that I hope to one day receive my masters in Art Therapy in the hopes of opening an art therapy center or an art studio/gallery where I can provide art therapy sessions for individuals with special needs as well as feature students’ artwork in the hopes that they too can become empowered through their creations.

7. What is your mantra?

I believe in Karma. What you put out into the universe whether it is positive or negative will ultimately come back to you. I am a believer in helping others whenever possible, a simple act of kindness will go a long way. I feel art in a sense is a way to help others either by pure motivation, inspiration and can be used to spread positivity to whomever views it.


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