Music Video Premiere: “Tropicana” by The Lonesome Wilderness

Southern psych rockers known as The Lonesome Wilderness dropped their self-titled debut last year around this time and now their ready to release their new music video for the track, “Tropicana”, right here right now. Check out the video and then read our Q&A with The Lonesome Wilderness about the making of the video and what’s next for the band!!

YabYum: Tell me a little bit about making the video. I see that you worked with Roland Wakefield on this project. Did the band have an idea in mind or was it pretty much Wakefield’s undertaking?

This was all Roland’s idea. He approached us a few months saying he had an idea for a video for “Tropicana,” and he gave us a few rough ideas of what he had in mind. He said he wanted it to have a Michel Gondry aestetic, and we loved that idea, so we told him to run with it. We’d really liked his videos for Woodworks and Japhy’s Descent, so we were excited to work with him.

A little while later he sent us the first cut of the video, and we were blown away! It was so creative crafted and interestingly shot, and really captured the feel of the song. We went in and shot our parts, and he kept explaining his ideas, and we were so impressed when we saw how he executing everything. It’s all based on really tight, kinetic shots, and it makes it a very compelling watch.

The song comes from your debut EP which came out this time last year at this time.

Yeah it’s kind of a coincidence that the video should come out almost exactly a year after the record, but I think it’s a good time for a beach themed video, since summer is coming in.

What’s next for the band? Any plans for more videos? Or are you working on new music?

We are working on our second EP right now actually, and we’re pretty excited about it. For our debut we were really trying to capture our live sound, but this time around we are going for a more of that studio sound, really trying to explore some new ideas and take things in an interesting direction. These things take time, but we are excited for everyone to hear it.

Any upcoming shows where folks can see The Lonesome Wilderness live?

We are playing a great show on April 15th at the Rogue Bar, alongside our pals Day Before Plastics, The Redemptions, Broken Girls From Affluent Backgrounds and Bella. We’re playing some new songs lately, so come check it out!

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