YabYum Seven: Brandon Greer

unnamed (5)Who are you and what do you do?

A goofball on the inside and a smooth criminal on the outside, my name is Brandon Greer, aka B: the Creative Director, Photographer, and Journalist for the online studio and lifestyle website My Boy B.

How did you get your start?

At first, I started My Boy B in 2013 as a means to connect with the artistic community as a graphic designer and art enthusiast, but since then, it’s grown into a much larger platform that voices creative inspiration and shows a unique perspective on the community itself. From Journal entries to photography posts, the choice of medium keeps everything authentic and fresh.

What inspires you?

Experimentation and customization. I love being able to expand on ideas and make new ones. Flip them. Turn them. Make them black and white. Use your opposite hand. It’s fun what you might come up with. I like to think of it as “finding sunshine in a brainstorm.”

What do you like about AZ?unnamed (3)

My favorite part about Arizona has to be the winter season. After hiding from the sun for seven months out of the year, the other five have a cool sense of charm about them.

Where can we see you(r) work?

To find my work online, you can head over HERE to catch what all the fuss is about.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Before I die, I want to be able to make a living doing what I love to do, creating cool things with cool people. Influence people to pursue their passions and be creative about it. Show your specialty.

What is your mantra?

“Turn what you do best into what you do forever…”

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