YabYum Seven: Kevin Caron

kevincaron-headshotWho are you and what do you do?

I am Kevin Caron, a sculptor. I excite and delight people with my fabricated metal and 3D printed sculptures. Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone look at one of my sculptures from every angle, soaking it in – or trying to figure it out!

How did you get your start?

I wasn’t one of those people who always wanted to be an artist, so I sort of backed into being an artist. We wanted a privacy screen at our house. People saw it and began asking me to make things for them. Before I knew it, instead of trading for work, people began paying me to have fun.

What inspires you?

I’m inspired by trying to make the things I see in my head. Sometimes a technical challenge presents itself (I’ve been told this makes some of my work conceptual). I let my hands become an extension of my mind, as I do when I am riding my motorcycle. I also love sound, movement, shadows and illusion, as well as the sensuality of shapes, the gentle rise and fall of their sides and junctures.


“Knot Me”

What do you like about AZ?

Growing up, I spent a lot of time in the desert, exploring washes, interacting with the plants and animals around me. Arizona is in my heart as well as being my home.

Where can we see you(r) work?

In Arizona, my work is at Pearson & Company in Scottsdale, Vision Gallery in Chandler and Van Gogh’s Ear gallery in Prescott. As for where I work, I have a studio, which is a converted auto garage (only fitting, since I was a mechanic for many years), in Phoenix where I do my metal work. My three 3D printers are at home – the studio is too dirty for sensitive (and I mean sensitive!) equipment.

I just wrapped up a solo show of my 3D printed work at the Walter Art Gallery in Scottsdale and a solo show of my metal work and drawings came to a close on April 28 at the Central Arts Plaza in Phoenix. Both were curated by Robrt Pela of R. Pela Contemporary.

You can also see – and hear – my artwork at my Website and watch me work on my YouTube channel, where I have more than 400 videos.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I’d like to create an Escher-worthy piece.

What is your mantra?

“Run through the grassy fields of my mind.”




“Charged Particle”




“Genome Project”




“Simple Planes with Aquamarine Stripe”


“Wherever You Go There You Are”