YabYum Seven: Abe Zucca

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All photos courtesy of Abe Zucca

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Abe Zucca;  I use everything I am capable of using to create paintings of people, places, and things. Sometime to form a narrative, sometimes to suspend an object in its simplicity.

How did you get your start?

I never got a start, although I have had my hand outstretched for a long time hoping for someone to pull me up on stage.  So I flipped the script and admired those creative people around me and created my own stage. Abe Zucca Galley 1301 Grand.

abe zucca 06What inspires you?

What inspires me, is youthful individual wonderment.

What do you like about AZ?

What I love about AZ is that when someone talks a big game of status connections, opportunity to make some major cash – 99% of the time they are full of it. Why this makes me love AZ is that I know no one is going to black list me cause they got no list.

Where can we see you(r) work?

You can see my work at 1301 Grand Ave, and Red Thai Asian Bistro in consistent rotation throughout the year.

abe zucca 03What would like to accomplish before you die?

I just want to accomplish something so consuming that this death thing is forgotten about.

What is your mantra?

My mantra is: I might have cancer.


Check out Abe Zucca’s latest show Perspectival 4.5 this upcoming First Friday Nov. 4 from 6-11 PM at his Gallery. You can also peep his Instagram.


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