YabYum Seven: Rosa Kilgore

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All photos courtesy of Rosa Kilgore

Who are you and what do you do?

Rosa Kilgore, jewelry artist. I create jewelry using recycled sterling silver and ancient bronze, freshwater pearls, pyrite and other natural semi-precious stones.

How did you get your start?

Growing up in a family of artists, I was always most drawn to jewelry making. After studying metalsmithing at the college level, I studied casting on the reservation with a Navajo jeweler.

Rosa Kilgore 4What inspires you?

Everything! I am obsessed with jewelry and pretty much everything I see in the world around me inspires me- shapes, textures, materials. Particularly texture is interesting to me, whether it’s organic or industrial, tree bark, rusted steel, the weave of an old basket.

What do you like about AZ?

As a 5th generation Arizona native, I am in love with so many things about this state. Having moved away for many years, I have learned to appreciate the diversity of the landscape. We have desert, the forest, the red rocks of Sedona, green lush areas and harsh dry areas.

Where can we see you(r) work?

Online at rosakilgore.com or on my instagram: @heyrosakilgore. In person in Scottsdale and Phoenix I have pieces at Sanctuary’s spa boutique, Saddlebags, Brady Gray, and the Phoenix Art Museum gift store.

Rosa Kilgore 3What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Wow. Um, self-actualization…

What is your mantra?

Keep moving forward!


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