5 Rad Regional Music Blogs You Should Check Out

5 Rad Regional Music BlogWe’re proud to represent the Phoenix music scene through more than a decade of blogging and thought we’d take a moment to acknowledge some of the scrappy regional blogs that have worked hard for years to bring attention to the musicians and artists that make their hometowns special. And, besides, it’s always a good idea to check out what other music scenes have to offer in terms of press support and local talent, whether your planning a tour or a lasting change of scenery. Here are 5 Rad Regional Music Blogs You Should Check Out…

The Bay Bridged

The publication has all its dials tuned into the music of the San Francisco Bay Area. Live show reviews, music premieres, giveaways, and even podcasts make up the regular content of this music rag. If you’re in the area, visiting the area, planning on re-locating to the area or just looking for some new music, maybe check out some of the #SFBay scene over at The Bay Bridged.

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Vortex Music Magazine

The running joke in Phoenix is that everyone moves to Portland. That’s just because everyone moves to Portland. Well, if you’re looking to visit or fixing on staying a spell, all the good people of Vortex Music Magazine are here to help acquaint you with what’s cool in the PDX. In addition to regular music reviews and other assorted offerings, Vortex comes out in print four times a year. That’s pretty sweet. Make sure to pick up a copy when you pass through Portland, but you can check out their online articles all year round.

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Boston Hassle

Keeping their focus on the Greater Boston Area, and surrounding New England, Boston Hassle examines the music, art, and cinema that flows through their region and other locales as well. Boston Hassle puts their energy into shedding light on underground artists and musicians on the rise so if you’re planning a tour through New England, maybe look to this publication for the happenings in their city (and surrounding areas).

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Speak Into My Good Eye

This independent music blog has marked its turf between Brooklyn, NY and Asbury Park, NJ. But Speak Into My Good Eye stretches way beyond the Lincoln Tunnel when it comes to seeking out new music. With five years under their belt, this music blog shows no signs of slowing. Music news, reviews, interviews, and a special penchant for “Cool Dad Music”, Speak Into My Good Eye is a cool spot for new music and they accept direct submissions.

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Immersive Atlanta

Atlanta, much like Phoenix, is quickly establishing itself as a music-making town and Immersive Atlanta is here to help you keep up. In addition to covering music from the ATL and beyond, this blog also takes a gander at local arts and culture, like us. But, also like us, music is their mainstay so if you want to get the latest on up-and-coming artists from the region, Immersive Atlanta might be your spot.

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