stand up

Social Savvy: The Bro Show

“Where’s all the dudes?” is the question that you find in the “About” section on The Bro Show’s Facebook page.

On a surface level, one thinks it would be ridiculous to ask such an obvious question. However, if you are familiar with Phoenix’s comedy scene, those “dudes” you see having a ball onstage are comedians Courtney Walhstrom (C-Dog) and Dana Whissen (Angus), creators/producers of The Bro Show, an all-women stand-up/sketch comedy show as a vehicle to expand their comedic writing as well as poke fun at male stereotypes…

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Social Savvy: Mary Upchurch

For the past few years, the Phoenix comedy scene has become one of city’s best-kept secret where on any given night you can see a slew of comedy shows in bars, music venues or even houses. Now fast-forward to 2019, the comedy scene in Phoenix is taking off in a catastrophic way with established shows, such as Anwar Newton and Michael Turner’s This Week Sucks, Tonight and Courtney Wahlstrom’s and Dana Whissen’s The Bro Show, both moving their operations to the Valley’s largest comedic venue, Stand Up Live…

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