The Sidepony Express Music Festival

OK gang, head’s up! The first ever Sidepony Express Music Festival will be in held in Bisbee, AZ from Nov. 16-18. Why is this so important, you ask? Well, how about the fact that 30+ Arizona acts will be participating in the event that stretches over six different venues in Old Bisbee – and it’s all free! Come down for a day or find room and stay all weekend. Here’s you chance to catch Sun Ghost, Japhy’s Descent, the Haymarket Squares, Bisbee locals Nowhere Man and A Whiskey Girl, Doctor Bones, Treasure Fruit, Deer Leader, Field Tripp, Sara McAllister, Horizon I, Dirty Lingo, the Pubes and scores of other great acts. Hotels are sure to book up fast so giddy-up!