Three Albums To Check Out This Week

With so many great Arizona albums constantly coming out, sometimes we can’t quite cover everything we’d like to. With that said, we wanted to showcase three albums we’ve been checking out!

First up is Peachcake who, a couple months ago, released the much anticipated Unbelievable Souls. Check out Mitchell L. Hillman’s review on his blog Sounds Around Town.

Next up is Zero Zero with their month old release, Mayday. For those not already in the know, Zero Zero is the current project of the Love Me Nots’ darlings Nicole Laurenne and Michael Johnny Walker. Think less swingin’ 60’s and more synth pop with this outfit however. Devon C. Adams gives us the scoop over at Echo Cloud.

And finally we have Liam and the Ladies with their new album, Live! This is the Ladies first official album, 7″ and everything, and not to be confused with their previous release Dance Craze Live. Connor Descheemaker writes up a great review for METROnome.

So there you have it! Three great albums to check out this week and three more places to keep you in the know on the Valley music scene. ¡Viva La Musica!