Best Punk Band: JJCnV

In case you have absolutely no idea, there are A LOT of punk bands in the Valley of the Sun. So what makes JJCnV the best? Well, first off, they rock. Dana wields her guitar and shrieks into her mic like a wild banshee; Pete thrashes his bass and let’s his voice ring out like a wolverine on fire; and Jeff, most-likely in his white nightie and brightly colored wig, pounds his buckets into deep submission.

Second, they released a new album this year that is ear-melting-ly awesome. Brainiac Handsome is so awesome in fact that right now, as I sit and type this, I’m head banging and raging in my chair just thinking about it. Covering an array of topics as to why “I’ll Keep You” to even “Cary Grant,” Brainiac Handsome is an album I’d been waiting my entire life for.

Lastly, as if you need another reason, I simply don’t think any other crazed group of quick-paced, artistically-minded ne’er-do-well’s deserves this more than they!

Check out our previous award winner:
Art Scene Queen: