Most RocknRoll Couple: NicMic Walker

The Love Me Nots have to be one of the coolest bands to ever call Phoenix home. That’s a given. Zero Zero has been on the scene for maybe a minute and a half and they’re already the “next big thing.” Coincidence that both bands are the stylish conceptions of Nicole Laurenne and Michael Johnny Walker, better known to their Facebook friends (wink-nudge) as “NicMic Walker”? I think not.

Few are aware but YabYum is a Buddhist term that translates to Mother-Father. We’re all about combining forces for spiritual and/or artistic enlightenment. NicMic Walker seem to be tuned into some higher frequency for sure because any time they add their energy to a project it immediately becomes the coolest thing on the block. That is why they are our Most Rocknroll Couple.

Photo by Joel Ekdahl
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