The Dark Horse Award: Lauren Farrah

Oftentimes, we’ve heard of someone before we hear their album, especially if that album is really good. Not always, but often. We’re forever running into wonderful people who are quick to say, “Have you heard … yet?” Sometimes we get a great album sent to us by a kid working out of his bedroom with zero followers but a hell of a lot of talent. And sometimes someone just slips by us without notice and we catch on a moment later than we should have. This isn’t a full time gig here, people, we have jobs and we make art. Sometimes we need help staying in the loop.

That being said, I was listening to some new albums Mark had come across (see here) and I was totally taken aback by the latest songbird to join River Jones’ menagerie, Lauren Farrah. Her smokey voice carries a world weary hue which overlays an intelligent folkpop that draws the listener in head and heart. A few words into the first track “Great Expectations” and I was asking who was singing. By the refrain, I was politely demanding my own copy Great Expectations, Farrah’s EP, immediately.

“Millions” might just be my favorite track on the album. This, however, remains subject to oscillations in mood, temperament, weather, and time of day because each track warrants some time with the repeat button. We found the album so unexpectedly striking we had to honor it with our Dark Horse Award. Listen to it here. Do it right now.

Check out our previous award winner:
Boy Wonder Award: