Cough Up Some Support!

I remember waiting in line outside of Zia’s in Tempe for some album just about to be released. I’m sure many of us music junkies who enjoyed our teen years before the turn of the 21st Century can share a certain fondness for album anticipation. I don’t buy too many albums these days… 
Wait, allow me to clarify. I don’t buy many national, big-label releases these days. Most of my album purchases are made through Bandcamp or directly at shows. I support the local arts movement with both my time and money. This is an investment I hope to see a return on. I want to live in a vibrant arts community where talented individuals find the support they need to pursue their passions. 
Such big dreams needn’t come with an equally large price tag. For just a few dollars, you can help see a local project come to life and maybe get a little something-something for yourself as well. Check out these fundraising projects from Arizona artists. Find one that you’d like to get behind and cough up some support! We all need to pull together if we want to change the shape of the arts in AZ! 

“Hi there! My name is Mik Garrison and I’m a musician and loop performer from Tucson, Arizona. I’m raising funds to produce a CD and DVD of my live looping performance. I think it’s important that the performance be filmed, because that’s the best way to fully enjoy the madness I produce…more.”

“North Dakota, a band based in Tempe, Arizona needs your help to press their first LP, PAT WAGGY on vinyl!”…more.
“My name is Ryan Osterman. I play ghost folk music under the name Owl & Penny. After 3-4 years of writing/recording/mixing/etc this record is just about ready to be released into the wild! I’m excited to show you all what I’ve been doing this whole time with gigantic full band noise and orchestra strings and cool things to bang on. I know it’s been a long wait, a lot longer than I intended it to be but we’re almost there!…more.”

“My name is Sareena Dominguez and I need your help to make four wonderful music videos! I’ve decided to collaborate this year with three local Arizona videographers and one local studio to create music videos for songs on my album Moonbeams. Some very talented people including Chris Heck, Cory Davis, Angelica Rivera, and the wonderful Studio at the Farm will all help me to create magic on film! I’d love to share my music from this album visually with the whole world this year and I would be more than grateful if you could help me out!…more.”