New Year’s Resolution #2: Eat Healthy!

This in one resolution that makes the list for many of us year after year. Why not make 2013 the year to stick to it? We at YabYum have a couple ideas to help you keep your goals…

Head out to a farmer’s market!

What better way to get fresh, local, even organic produce than by heading out to one of the 10 Valley markets hosted by Arizona Community Farmers Markets.

Don’t have time or interest in working your way through the crowd seeking out the best deals on organic lettuce? Let Chow Locally or Bountiful Baskets take the legwork out of the farmer’s market by providing weekly baskets of locally grown edibles. All you have to do is pick it up!

Resolution #1:

A big thanks to Scott Russell who braved the weather and captured these great shots at the downtown Phoenix Public Market.