Stellacutta’s eponymous debut album caught me off guard. “What am I listening to exactly?” Something I still haven’t been able to pigeon hole after weeks of listening. Stellacutta’s album is tagged with “adventure” and that’s what exactly what you get: a musical adventure blurring genres, styles, and eras, seamlessly. It took three years to bring the album STELLACUTTA to fruition. A worthy labor. Make sure to catch their album release at the Crescent Ballroom on March 31st with FFoYA, Steff Koeppen, and The Hill in Mind. Listen to Stellacutta here.
Woman & God
The Cold Desert definitely has its own thing going on. Just when you think you have them pegged down, the next song from Woman & God comes on and your immediately thrown off track in the best of ways. The Cold Desert is another perfect example of a Valley band breaking the confines of genre. Roots rocknroll fuses to orchestral pop while offering lyrics you can sink down into. Feel like some mandolin/banjo fueled Americana? Sure. How about some distorted thrash, foot-poundin’ rocknroll? That’s here too. Traverse the Cold Desert here.