3 New Albums to Check Out



Stellacutta’s eponymous debut album caught me off guard. “What am I listening to exactly?” Something I still haven’t been able to pigeon hole after weeks of listening. Stellacutta’s album is tagged with “adventure” and that’s what exactly what you get: a musical adventure blurring genres, styles, and eras, seamlessly.  It took three years to bring the album STELLACUTTA to fruition. A worthy labor. Make sure to catch their album release at the Crescent Ballroom on March 31st with FFoYA, Steff Koeppen, and The Hill in Mind. Listen to Stellacutta here.

Can music flex? When I listen to Muscle I certainly think it can. At one moment tight and constricted, the next loosed and relaxed. Wicked 90’s grrl pop a la Juliana Hatfield full of kittenish punk mingles with the modern movement toward disembodied, ethereal sounds. From the playful but gritty pop of “Most Compatible Sign” to the murkier “Lesbians”, the band’s self-titled November release should be listened too, loud and often. And why not pick up a Muscle Sack? “Complete with standard Muscle patch, Muscle sticker, Muscle bracelet, and Muscle matchbook all handmade by… Muscle.” Pick up yours here.

The Cold Desert

Woman & God

The Cold Desert definitely has its own thing going on. Just when you think you have them pegged down, the next song from Woman & God comes on and your immediately thrown off track in the best of ways. The Cold Desert is another perfect example of a Valley band breaking the confines of genre. Roots rocknroll fuses to orchestral pop while offering lyrics you can sink down into. Feel like some mandolin/banjo fueled Americana? Sure. How about some distorted thrash, foot-poundin’ rocknroll? That’s here too. Traverse the Cold Desert here.