3 Worthy Contributions

We all need to contribute to our communities. Whether you give time or money, something of yourself must be given to ensure the betterment of our communities. It’s your social responsibility. Here are a few worthy recipients of your new-found (or, perhaps, long-standing) commitment to system functionality. 
We’re big proponents of vinyl. And, more recently, we’ve become big proponents of Spirit Cave (check out 5 Hot, New AZ Singles for more). For those looking to make a direct contribution to the local arts, join the Spirit Cave Vinyl Pressing Campaign here
Many of us have come to view the government as this soulless, lumbering disaster.
Looks like Austin Head is willing to tackle that beast! Let’s toss in the support for one of the unconformed.   
A River Jones project, Arizona Tunes is a local music site that will “sell, feature, and promote artists from Arizona.” Sounds good to us. Help the cause here