Deon Doughty Answers the YabYum 7

1. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Deon Doughty. Throughout the years, I have found a lot of unique ways to express myself artistically, including: painting, music, poetry, film making, acting, directing, lighting, promoting, graphic design and my bread and butter, web development. Currently my creative focus is painting local Rock Stars and creating album covers for awesome local bands. Watch this video by Echo Cloud to learn a little bit more about what my current project is about here.

2. How did you get your start?

I first started as a young child drawing the Jaws poster that was on the cover of TV Guide in 1977. When I was ten on vacation with my family to Florida, we stopped by the rest area to go to the restroom. I picked up a brochure to the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. I begged my mom to take me there, which was two hours away from our vacation destination – Disneyland. My mom finally relented and took me to the Dali Museum. We got to the museum when it opened and needless to say were run out of the place after the museum closed. It was much more interesting than Disneyland to me. I knew from that day forward I wanted to be an artist.
3. What inspires you?
I was asked to paint a show by Travis, great friend and front man for Japhy’s Descent, on 4-20-2011 at Long Wongs Tempe. I decided to paint the people I admire most, my friends and my peers, who I consider nothing short of Rock Stars. I would create epic paintings, like holy relics of the Arizona music scene, that capture Rock’s raw musical energy and passion in a timeless fashion. Paintings that visually elevate artists to their highest iconic level! Capturing the moment forever in a painting.
4. What do you like about Arizona?
Phoenix and the surrounding area is a large city that is in transforming from old west cowboy ideology to a more post-modern contemporary ideology, that is not completely saturated and developed, giving artists the opportunity to help shape the culture into a truly cool creative place to live.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

Part of my artistic process is painting out at live music venues. You can catch me out Long Wongs, Sail Inn, Yucca Tap Room, The Rouge, Crescent Ballroom, Monarch Theater, The Nile, Salty Senoritas in Peoria, The Ice House, Prescott, Sedona and anywhere where great music is being played. I also show my work in gallery settings. The easiest way to find out where my work is and where I am painting is to go to where you can see my paintings of AZ Rock Stars. Click on the paintings on the homepage to connect with the Rock Stars. Click on the Facebook link to connect to my Facebook account. Click on Event to connect to You can also buy a men’s t-shirt of the paintings here and women’s here.

Jon of Snake! Snake! Snakes!

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I want to document and elevate the awesome AZ Music scene to the national and world stage. I want to record a professional album of my music. I want to write a book. I want to do some sculpture. I want to go to Seattle. I want to open a museum of my work filled with my art and a stage for artists to perform. I want to help my family and friends achieve their dreams. I want to be truly happy.

7. What’s your mantra? 

Will it, Live it, Be it!

Visualize your pursuit, manifest the pursuit, live in the moment of the pursuit, and manifest what you want to be.

Tristan of Future Loves Past