Rubber Brother Charges On

We were there back in June when Rubber Brother Records made their Phoenix debut with a 5 tape release at the Trunk Space. At the time, Rubber Brother held a healthy starting roster of a dozen bands. Over the summer, we’ve watched that number swell to over 35 acts. Weird desert art is taking a stand right here in Arizona. Get ready, folks.

“I just started making list of every band I would like to work with and they all said yes.” Simple as that, but I guess if you’re Robbie Pfeffer and everybody’s looking to work with you, it should be that simple. Now comes the hard part – taking the helm of a label host to 35+ bands and steering them onward and upward. Thankfully, if anyone can lead this pack of music-loving rabble-rousers, it’s Pfeffer.

What better way to kickoff the biggest push for Arizona music we’ve seen in a long time than with the biggest party we’ve seen in quite sometime? Not a two-day celebration, which seems to be the trend of the season, but a four-day/two-weekend extravaganza starting this Friday in Tempe at Parliament. Saturday the party moves to the Trunk Space down in Phoenix. And, in one swift move, Rubber Brother Records makes a move toward unifying the two hubs of Valley music.

For ten bones, you can score yourself a four-day pass to the event. AND the ticket that will be your entrance is your very own Rubber Brother pin. How cool is that? The event is all ages and will feature some of the Valley’s weirdest and best bands (take those terms as independent… or don’t) who just so happen to also be featured on the Rubber Brother label: Diners, Instructions, St Ranger, Sundressed, The Thin Bloods and more! I’m super excited to check out some new bands as well like Lunar Hood and Jaguarsun.

Rubber Brother Records will be dropping some new cassettes over the four days of fun with new material coming out from Iji, The Great American Youngbloodz, The Echo Bombs, TK and the Irresistibles, and more. So come out prepared to add to your collection. Or just come out to take part in what might prove to be a monumental moment in music making history. We’ll see you there.

Tickets (i.e. the all-access pin) can be purchased right here

. For more about the event, I suggest checking out the event page right here. And, finally, for all of you wondering what/where Parliament is, you must click “going” on the event page to receive the location. We can’t tell you much about the place but we do know that excessive noise is permitted after dark!