Examining “From Lemons to Lingerie: The Still Life Redefined”

“Tempest” by Linda Ingraham

Head over to the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum at the Mesa Arts Center to explore the new exhibition From Lemons to Lingerie: The Still Life Redefined by Linda Ingraham and Tom Eckert. Located in the North Gallery, this exciting exhibition recently opened on September 13th for the opening of their fall season that included a huge celebration.

“Marcel’s Shovel” by Tom Eckert

This captivating exhibition features the work of two important local artists: Linda Ingraham, a mixed media photographer, and Tom Eckert, a sculptor. When we look at Linda’s work we see she has re-imagined and modernized the traditional still life yet continued to use reoccurring themes: constructed landscapes, naturescapes, and the metaphorical. Eckert creates stunning painted wood sculptures depicting everyday objects covered with fabric, examining illusion, mystery and the idea of being shrouded. This intriguing exhibition examines the traditional still life and redefines its boundaries with interesting medium choices and surrealist subject matter.

As you enter the gallery the viewer is struck by a remarkable selection of work from Linda Ingraham with her beautiful mixed media photographs and Tom Eckert’s mysteriously shrouded wood sculptures. Linda’s work is nostalgic such as with “Flock of Lemons”, with many pieces reminiscent of 17th century still-life paintings. However, this piece depicts a beautiful landscape with surrealist undertones and the subject of lemons in flight rather than birds. Juxtaposed next to it is Eckert’s sculpture “Marcel’s Shovel”, a handsomely and elegantly crafted sculpture of a shovel veiled by a white cloth. Tom Eckert’s marvelous sculptures disguise wood requiring the viewer to closely examine the intricate lines and surfaces he has created and transformed.

“Flock of Lemons” by Linda Ingraham

Such as with his work “Camisia”, a sensual sculpture depicting a woman’s high heel and black silk lingerie contrasted by Ingraham’s piece “Tempest” – depicting a tea pot and various fruit, upon closer examination the onlooker will discover incredible details such as a picture of a teacup with a tornado coming out of it and the peeling finish on the wood panel in the background. This is a well curated exhibition that has brought together two exceptional artists and a enchanting collection of artwork.

Take time and explore “Lemons and Lingerie: The Still Life Redefined” a stunning collection of photographs and sculptures examining traditional still life and unique mediums with a surrealist twist, pushing the viewer beyond the objects. The combination of Ingraham created landscapes and Eckert intricate surfaces give the viewer a sense of illusion and mystery. Make sure to check out everything the Mesa Arts Center has to offer plus admission is free! The exhibition runs until January 5, 2014!

“Camisia” by Tom Eckert

by Nicole Royse
Staff Writer