The Bands We’d Like to Steal From Tucson Award

British pop, noisy rock n roll provided by sisters, indie pop pop pop, post punk and Egyptian trance is what is being thrown down in Tucson by The Modeens, Acorn Bcorn, Steff & the Articles, Otherly Love, and Burning Palms, respectfully.

And respectfully, Tucson, we’d like to steal them, bring them up to Phoenix so we can see more of them.

First, The Modeens. Somehow these cats have been able to channel British Rock and make it their own. Swoon!

Acorn Bcorn, a pair of sisters, thrashing their way through great leads and big bold drums. Yowzah!

Steff & the Articles are just plain fun. And judging from their new music and video, mixing in Spanish!? Ajua!

The post punk band, Otherly Love, is taking a tired genre, revitalizing it and giving our ears “gasisms”! Score!

And the beats, rhythms and melodies Burning Palms are turning out makes us want to grab tunic and shake our thing. Ra! Ra! Ra!

Now, we’re not going to resort to anything drastic like bandnapping, but if these bands keep doing what they’re doing, we won’t be responsible for our actions.