4 Stellar Singles

Slave Driver cover artThe Woodworks

“Slave Driver”

This track from The Woodworks has a feisty kick to it. After we came across the uniquely assembled “thrash” Americana of the band, we couldn’t wait to hear more. Thankfully, this single insinuated a new album was in the works from The Woodworks and we’re here to tell you that time is almost upon us. The new album, Safe Mode, drops on Feb. 7 at the Rogue in Scottsdale. Make sure you’re there!

American Longspurs

The Ocean

For a southern state, we don’t get as much country music as one might expect. The American Longspurs are ready to represent the heartland right here in Phoenix. With a show scheduled at the Crescent Ballroom on the 17th and an EP set to drop sometime this year, I expect the American Longspurs are an act we might be hearing about. Listen here

What is Love Songs cover art


“More than Anyone”

The casio-styled effects on “More than Anyone” creates that throwback effect that could secure it a spot in the area of my heart reserved for John Hughes’ films and slurpees on sunny days. Sweet and playful, Electrisad scores a not-sad number that warms the cockles of my heart. Listen to “More than Anyone” here.

Hair Cut


For a band that labels their music “bedroom pop” as easily as “chinese food”, I’m surprisingly enchanted by this strange internet discovery out of Tempe. Ambient and slightly hued with aggressive moments from within a dreamy ether of sound, Hair Cut has a strange modge podge of offerings that extend beyond “Syrup” so make sure you check those out too. Explore here.